Photo Gallery Basenji and Horses
In our woods with Spike and Timmian. Timmian on the table and Spike in the window.
Iris 4 months old.. Timmian and Spike looking out. Timmian's training for the Show-ring.
Iris is stealing a cigarette. Spike and Iris
Spike and Iris - relaxing Iris and Timmian sleeping.
Mother and father to Litter-H ( Iris and Timmian ) Litter H 10 days old.
Iris after birth 2003. Litter H Kneikas Heavenly Heaven ( Lulu ) 6 months old and Best in Show on the Norwegian Special 2004
Kneikas Hate To Loose 18 months, CAC, CACIB and BOS on NKK Trondheim-2005
Kneikas Hate To Loose became Norwegian Champion 2 years old.
We won "Best breeding group" on NKK Fredrikstad 02.10-2005. First time we tried.
Stjerna and Betty Riverlands Firstborn " Thunder" 1 day old.
Kobra and Riverlands Rose Kobra and Keytowns Riverboy
Betty and Riverlands Red Wind Betty and Riverlands Firstborn
Betty and Riverlands Go Magic 7 months old. Riverlands Go Magic 1 year old, with new owner.
Riverlands Go Magic in his padock Riverlands Go Magic
Keytowns Riverboy with his new owner, on a horse-show on Jarlsberg trotting-area-2004 -He was the winner.